The Grimsby Basketball Association (GBA) exists to provide boys and girls an opportunity to participate and compete in an environment that emphasizes fundamental
basketball skills, teamwork, good sportsmanship, and the development of integrity, responsibility and a positive self-image with the outcome of helping to produce solid contributing members to the community in which they live and to promote a love of the game of basketball.
Article 1.0 Name
Article 2.0 - Purpose and Objectives
2.1 The objectives of the Club shall be:
Article 3.0 - Affiliations
3.1 The Club shall be a member of the Ontario Basketball Association (OBA) and shall follow their published rules.
Article 4.0 - Definitions
The following words hereafter used shall have the meaning hereunder ascribed to them unless the context otherwise indicates:
ARTICLE 5.0 - Membership
The general membership shall include Club members, players who are 18 years of age or older and parents/guardians of all registered players in the Club who have paid current fees.
ARTICLE 6.0 - Executive Council
The Executive council shall consist of an Executive board of 5 elected positions.
Terms of office: Executive members will serve for a (24) twenty-four month term. An Executive member shall be permitted to serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms. Should an Executive member resign or leave the club, the remaining Executive members can vote on an in-term replacement from those who may volunteer to replace the exiting member.
The Executive shall consist of:
1) President
2) Vice-President
3) Secretary
4) Treasurer
5) Registrar
Duties of the Executive
6.1 President
6.2 Vice President
6.3 Secretary
6.4 Treasurer
6.5 Registrar
to respond to inquiries for registration of programs
to maintain registration numbers for respective programs
to assist with finding and vetting house league coaches as needed
to assist in the organization of referees with the assistance of convenors
Election of Executive
Election of Executive positions shall be at the end of 24 month period, during an AGM.
Nominations will be accepted prior to the voting at the scheduled AGM and must have 1 nomination and 1 second.
Voting for the Executive will be conducted by a secret ballot by the membership, with 1 ballot per registered family.
Executive members shall have 1 ballot each.
General Duties and Powers of the Executive
Article 7 - Convenors
The following positions will be appointed by the Executive
7.1 - Convenor of Girl’s House League
Duties will include:
7.2 - Convenor of Boy’s House League
Duties will include:
7.3- Travel Convenor
Duties will include:
Article 8 - At-Large members
The Executive and Club realizes that other positions will be required to take on various duties that will benefit the development and growth of the Club.
These At-Large members will be assigned by the Executive and provided with a job description of their duties.
Article 9 - Meetings of the Club:
Regular meetings shall be held during the playing season, at the call of the President.
9.1 Voting - Decisions made by the Executive shall be done on a consensus basis.
9.2 The Club shall hold an AGM at the end of the season (typically June of each year)
9.3 The agenda for the AGM shall include:
9.4 Minutes of meetings
Minutes shall be kept by the secretary (or designate) at all meetings and one (1) copy shall be available to members of the Executive and individual members may view the Minute Book at the AGM, provided the request is submitted in writing one (1) week prior to the AGM.
By-laws and amendments may be proposed to the Executive, or submitted by a member of the Club in writing at least 7 days prior to a meeting. The Executive will review these undertakings and decide on them based on a consensus.
9.6 Operating expenses
Article 10 - Protests
The Executive will not recognize any protests.
Article 11 - Code of Conduct
In order to ensure that the principles of sportsmanship, fair play, skill development, and mutual respect among players, coaches, officials and spectators are the primary considerations governing competition in the Grimsby Basketball Association, the following Code of Conduct has been established and adopted.
Each spectator will ensure that his/her playing conduct is that of a young lady or gentleman fairly competing to the limit of his/her ability. To satisfactorily meet these responsibilities, the spectator is expected to:
1. Respect the rules of the game.
2. Respect the game officials and refrain from questioning their decisions or from addressing them in a loud, disrespectful or abusive manner
3. Cheer for their team in a positive, supportive manner, refraining at all times from making hostile, negative, or abusive remarks about the opposing team.
4. Enter a gym quietly; remain seated during play of the game. Refrain at all times from coming onto the floor or from throwing objects or other foreign materials onto the floor, and exit in an orderly manner at the conclusion of the game.
5. Follow all building rules and regulations, respecting at all times the property of others. Be aware that there is to be no shooting at baskets during time outs or intermission of games that are in progress- Before each game only the teams warming up for the next game should be shooting at the baskets. SPECTATORS SHOULD NEVER BRING BALLS INTO ANY GBA GAME SITE GYM
6. Demonstrate appropriate gestures of sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game, win or lose.
Realize, accept, and practice the principal that a team's reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on the sportsmanship, courtesy, and citizenship of its fans.